Thursday, April 9, 2015

Script to Monitor Service Manager Workflows

I was asked to create a better way to check for workflow failures in Service Manager. If you use Operations Manager to monitor SCSM workflows, you know that there is one rule, and it throws an alert for every failure. I didn't like this. Instead, this script will provide a summary of failures (if there are any failures), since the last time it checked.

The script I am posting was meant to be scheduled, ran ad-hoc, or it can be modified to put into SCOM - property bags and such.

The script could have been a lot smaller if I connected directly to the database, but people don't seem to this, so it uses the NATIVE SCSM powershell module. No SMLETS needed.

This script should be ran on the workflow server.

You can also throw a -verbose behind it so you can see what it is actually doing. Modify until you heart is content. I am not putting this into the Microsoft Gallery, because it would need some cleanup and such.

The first time you run it, it is going to look for a workflow status log file. It is also going to report all failures. However, it will save the most recent status Id in the log file, and then only give failures since that status id. 

  [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][string] $LogFilePathandName = ".\MonitorWorkflowFailuresLog.txt"
write-verbose "Starting Script"
#Write-EventLog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "Health Service Script" -EntryType Information -EventID 12345 -Message "Script Starting"
[int]$IntRef = $null
$ScriptRunTime = get-date
Write-verbose  @"
Paramters Used:
  LogFilePathandName = $LogFilePathandName
We need to create a log file entry for each workflow and keep track of the latest workflow instance ID.
This way, we only check the latest IDs.

if ((get-childItem $LogFilepathandName -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) -eq $null) 
    Write-verbose "Could not find Log a File. A new log file will be created"
    New-Item $LogFilePathandName -type file -value "WorkflowName,WorkflowId,WorkflowInstanceId
If a log file has been found, it needs to be in the correct format.
The format should be:

write-verbose @"
Found a Log File, make sure the Log file is in the following format:

      #check to make sure the first line is the header
      $RetreivedLogFileFirstTwoLines = Get-Content $LogFilePathandName -totalcount 2
      $RetrievedLogFileHeaderLine = $RetreivedLogFileFirstTwoLines[0]
      if ($RetrievedLogFileHeaderLine -eq "WorkflowName,WorkflowId,WorkflowInstanceId")
          write-verbose "The Log file header is in the expected State - $RetrievedLogFileHeaderLine"
 $RetrievedLogFileHeaderLineInExpectedState = $true
          <#The header is in the expected state, so let's make sure there is at least one line to compare
          #We need to take the first data line and see if it is in a "string,string,int" format.
          #We really just wants to make sure items 2 and 3 (in an array that is 1 and 2) con be converted to integers#>
          $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLine = $RetreivedLogFileFirstTwoLines[1]
          write-verbose "Checking RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLine - $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLine"
 $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit = $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLine.Split(",")
          Write-verbose "Checking to see if there are three array items in the file Line"
          if ($RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit.Count -eq 3)
write-verbose "Count is 3 for data line splt"
#There are three comma Delimited Items. Can Items 2 and 3 (1 and 2) be converted to an integer?
[System.Guid]::Parse(($RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit[1])) | Out-Null
Try {
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState = [System.Guid]::Parse(($RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit[1])) | Out-Null # test if is possible to cast and put parsed value in reference variable
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState = $true
 catch {
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState = $false
<#So we are going to revert to a method that will work in all versions.#>
write-verbose "Checking to see if WorkflowId is in a GUID State"
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState = $true
write-verbose "Checking to see if WorkflowInstanceId is in an int State"
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState = [int32]::TryParse(($RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit[2]) , [ref]$IntRef) # test if is possible to cast and put parsed value in reference variable
 if ($RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState -eq $true -and $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState -eq $true)
 #The First Data line integers are in the expected state.
 $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState = $true
 write-verbose "The First Data line integers are in the expected state."
#Either RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState or RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState
#was not true, therefore the first data line was not in the correct format
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState = $false
write-verbose "RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState is $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState"
write-verbose "RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState"
write-verbose "Either RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkFlowIdInExpectedState or RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineWorkflowInstanceIdInExpectedState was not true, therefore the first data line was not in the correct format"
#RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit did not have 3 array items, therefore was not in the correct format
$RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState = $false
write-verbose "RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineSplit did not have 3 array items, therefore was not in the correct format"
 $RetrievedLogFileHeaderLineInExpectedState = $false
 write-verbose "RetrievedLogFileHeaderLine was not in the expected State"
if ($RetrievedLogFileHeaderLineInExpectedState -eq $false -or $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState -eq $false)
#Need to write the log file and then exit.
write-error "Something was false. RetrievedLogFileHeaderLineInExpectedState  is $RetrievedLogFileHeaderLineInExpectedState and RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState  is $RetrievedLogFileFirstDataLineInExpectedState. There is formatting issue, the script is stopping."
<#Now that the Log file is taken care of, we need to get all of the workflows from Service Manager#>
write-verbose "About to Import the System.Center.Service.Manager Module, checking to see if it is already imported"
if ((get-module -name "System.Center.Service.Manager") -eq $null)
write-verbose "System.Center.Service.Manager is not imported, importing now"
#Write-EventLog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "Health Service Script" -EntryType Information -EventID 12345 -Message $Log
import-module -force "C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012\Service Manager\Powershell\System.Center.Service.Manager.psd1"
 if ((get-module -name "System.Center.Service.Manager") -eq $null)
write-error "System.Center.Service.Manager did not import, cannot continue, exiting."
#declare the failure array
$FailureArray = @()
#load the entire log file
write-verbose "Load the log file $LogFilePathandName"
$EntireLogFile = Get-Content $LogFilePathandName
# Save all WF into $workflow
$workflow = Get-SCSMWorkflowStatus
# Loop $workflow
write-verbose "Looping through each workflow"
foreach ($wf in $workflow) {
write-verbose $wf.Name
write-verbose "Searching for the workflow in the log file"
#; if you find the workflow, get the most recent statusid; otherwise, make the status id 0
$WorkflowFromLogFile = $null
$wfid = $
[array]$WorkflowFromLogFile = $EntireLogFile | ? {$_ -like "*,$wfId,*"}
if ($WorkflowFromLogFile -eq $null)
write-verbose "The Workflow was not found in the log File, adding a line in the log file for the workflow."
[int]$LastStatusRowId = 0
$NewWorkflowLineforLogFile = [string]$wf.Name + "," + [string]$ + "," + [string]0
Add-Content $LogFilePathandName "$NewWorkflowLineforLogFile"
$WorkflowFromLogFileSplit = $NewWorkflowLineforLogFile.split(",")
$LogLineWorkflowInstanceIdCovertableStatus = "GOOD"
$LogLineStatus = "GOOD"
 if ($WorkflowFromLogFile.count -gt 1)
 #found more than one line, throw error for now
 write-error "Found more than one line in the log file for the workflow. This means that the workflow will be checked two times, which does not cause errors. However, it would be a good idea to find and remove the duplicate."
 $LogLineStatus = "GOOD"
 if ($WorkflowFromLogFile.count -eq 1)
 write-verbose "Found one line for the workflow in the log file."
 $LogLineStatus = "GOOD"
 #We need to get the WorkflowStatusRowId from the log file. To do this, we can split the line from the log file into an array, and look at the third (2nd) item.
 $WorkflowFromLogFileSplit = $WorkflowFromLogFile[0].split(",")
  if ([int32]::TryParse(($WorkflowFromLogFileSplit[2]) , [ref]$IntRef) -eq $true)
 [int]$LastStatusRowId = $WorkflowFromLogFileSplit[2]
 $LogLineWorkflowInstanceIdCovertableStatus = "GOOD"
#The id did would not convert to an integer, there is a problem with the log file. Skip and report the error, but do not kill the script.
write-error  "The id would not convert to an integer, there is a problem with the log file. Skip and report the error, the script will continue."
$LogLineWorkflowInstanceIdCovertableStatus = "BAD"
 } # this is the else, where it found a line
if ($LogLineWorkflowInstanceIdCovertableStatus -eq "GOOD" -and $LogLineStatus -eq "GOOD")
write-verbose "Get the workflow status"
$status = Get-SCSMWorkflowStatus -name $wf.Name
$status = $status.GetStatus()
$status = $status | ? {[int]$_.RowId -gt $LastStatusRowId}
#Get the last Row Id for the status
$MaximumStatusRowId = ($status | measure-object -Property RowId -maximum).maximum

write-verbose "Check if the workflow has ran since the last check"
if ($MaximumStatusRowId -eq $null)
  write-verbose "No need to update anything on the log file here. The max ID is the same."
 write-verbose "Replace the line in the text file with a new line of the same data"
 $NewWorkflowFromLogFile = $WorkflowFromLogFile -replace ",$LastStatusRowId",",$MaximumStatusRowId"
 write-verbose "THIS IS THE NEW FILE ENTRY:"
 write-verbose [string]$NewWorkflowFromLogFile
 write-verbose "Setting Content"
 (Get-Content $LogFilePathandName) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace $WorkflowFromLogFile, $NewWorkflowFromLogFile} | Set-Content $LogFilePathandName -verbose
 foreach ($st in $status) 
[string]$strowid = ($st.RowId)
write-verbose "checking each status in the workflow and adding the FailureArray if failed. Status Row Id: $strowid"
#If the status is failed, we need to report it. Rather than reporting a failure for each workflow, we are going to summarize it for all if them.
#So we are going to add them all to an array.
 if ($st.status -eq "Failed") 
#$Log = $
##Write-EventLog -LogName "Operations Manager" -Source "Health Service Script" -EntryType Information -EventID 12345 -Message "Added to FailureLog $Log"
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Status' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $st.status
$object | Add-Member -Name 'TimeStarted' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $st.TimeStarted
$object | Add-Member -Name 'TimeFinished' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $st.TimeFinished
$object | Add-Member -Name 'RelatedObject' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value $st.RelatedObject
$FailureArray += $object
 } #If everything is good statement
write-verbose "Next Workflow
} #foreach workflow statement

 #$FailureArray | foreach {[string]$FailureArrayString = [string]$FailureArrayString + $_ + "`n"}
 $FailureArray | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File .\Report.htm
 Invoke-Expression .\Report.htm